To offer you our services and process your purchase on the Trendycolors website and any potential follow-up claims, we collect, store, and handle your data. Information that can specifically identify an end user is known as "Personally Identifiable Information." when you set up an account with Trendycolors for placing an order or receiving other services through this site, we may collect from you your title, name, gender, email address, postal address, delivery address (if different), telephone number, mobile number, fax number, payment details, payment card details, or bank account details.

For you to proceed with making an order for a product, we must have this information. We might utilize that information to provide the goods to you and handle the payment. Also, we use that information to notify you when the product will be delivered. To deliver the goods to you, we could give a third-party vendor your name, address, and phone number (for example, to our courier partners).

We may also use your information to administer the Site, collect payments from you, let you use some portions later, stop fraud or other site abuse, send you emails about the Site or our products, and respond to any inquiries. The Third-Party Payment Gateway Businesses will handle processing any payments you make through the website. We are not liable for any mistakes, abuse, or other actions the payment gateway providers committed. We only employ the most well-known and generally reputable Payment Gateways on our website to provide our services and prevent fraud and scams.

We may also use your information to administer the Site, collect payments from you, let you use some portions later, stop fraud or other site abuse, send you emails about the Site or our products, and respond to any inquiries. The Third Party Payment Gateway Businesses will handle processing any payments you make through the website. We are not liable for any mistakes, abuse, or other actions the payment gateway providers committed. We only employ the most well-known and generally reputable Payment Gateways on our website to provide our services and prevent fraud and scams.

By logging into your account on the Site, you can obtain your order details that may have been saved with us. You can manage your address information, bank information, and any newsletter subscriptions here. You can also examine the specifics of your finished, open, and soon-to-be-shipped orders. You promise to keep the personal access data private and keep it away from unauthorized third parties. We won't take responsibility for password misuse unless it's our fault.

Even if you browse this website anonymously, we may still collect and store information about your visit, such as your IP address, browser type, operating system, the date and time you accessed our site, the pages you have visited, and the URL of the website from which you linked directly to ours. You won't be individually identified by this information or have a connection to it. To give you a better shopping experience, we use personally identifiable information to deliver products, improve the website's functionality, keep you updated on the latest product releases, enhance our marketing and promotional efforts, analyze website usage, and enhance our product offerings.


Some of our services and goods are delivered by third parties. We won't divulge your personally identifiable information to third parties and will treat it with the utmost confidentiality. Your data might be shared with authorized third-party service providers (sending SMS, Sending Mail, Shipping Vendors, Third Party Merchant Companies). Our administrative and promotional emails are distributed by these "Third Party Service Providers" on our behalf. To deliver packages, send emails, aid with marketing, provide search results and links, process credit/debit card and bank payments, run the Website, troubleshoot issues, and offer customer care, we may share your Personally Identifiable Information with such Service Providers. Occasionally, we contract out services required for our operations to other businesses. These businesses might access your data as part of offering these services. These businesses are required to handle your personal information by our Privacy policy by contract.


Your information might be given to the individual or company that owns or controls this website in case of a sale, merger, public offering, or other change in control of Trendycolors. This does not impact our right to transfer your information to a new owner. Your choice about using your data will still be respected even if you choose not to receive information.


We use your personal information to provide the services you request, resolve disputes and troubleshoot problems, help in promoting a safe service, collect fees owed, measure consumer interest in our products and services, inform you about online and offline offers, products, services, and updates, customize your experience, detect and protect us against error, fraud, and other criminal activity and enforce our terms and conditions; and as otherwise described to you at the time of collection. To the extent we use your personal information to market to you, we will allow you to opt out of such uses. To consistently enhance our product and service offerings, we gather and analyze demographic and profile data about our user's behavior on our website. We identify and utilize your IP address to assist in diagnosing problems with our server and administer our website. Your IP address is also used to help identify you and to gather broad demographic statistics. On some occasions, we require you to complete optional online surveys. These surveys may ask you for contact information and demographic information (such as pin code, age, or income level) (like pin code, age, or income level). We use this data to customize your experience at our site, find consumer interest, and review our site, supplying you with content you might be interested in and showing content according to your preferences. Unless outlined in this Privacy Policy, we will never sell your personally-identifiable data without your permission.



Occasionally, we may place "cookies" on your personal computer. "Cookies" are little identifiers a web server supplies and stored on your computer's hard disc. Trendycolors The site uses cookies to track your session, shopping cart, and advertising delivery. This site also utilizes cookies to deliver content customized to your interests and to save your password. You can accept or decline cookies. If you opt to decline cookies, certain site features may not function properly or at all as a result. This site may use an outside ad company to display advertisements on Trendycolors, but the company will not have access to the personal information.


Our site links to other websites in good faith to collect/check personal information about you (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and other social networks and websites), and we will make a reasonable effort to link only to sites that meet similar standards for maintaining each individual's right to privacy. However, many other sites not associated with or authorized by Trendycolors may have links leading to the website. We cannot control these links and disclaim all responsibility for the materials published on any website linked to this site. Hence, we recommend you read the individual privacy policies of such websites.

We may transmit your details to other companies in our group. We may also disclose your details to our agents and subcontractors to help us with any of our uses of your data set out in our Privacy Policy. For example, we may engage third parties to assist us with delivering products to you, to help us to collect payments from you, to analyze data, and to provide us with marketing or customer care assistance. We may exchange information with third parties for fraud protection and credit risk reduction.


We protect your privacy by following accepted security standards and procedures and adhering to relevant privacy laws. Our websites combine physically, electronically, and procedurally proper security measures that have been certified by the industry to keep your information safe throughout the entirety of its life cycle in our infrastructure. We take all necessary precautions to safeguard your personal information against loss, theft, unauthorized access, misuse, modification, and alteration of the data under Trendycolors site control. It is hashed or encrypted when sensitive data is kept on our infrastructure. When no longer required, sensitive material is quickly re-encrypted or deleted after being decrypted. With limited access to the servers that handle data, we host online services in data centers that have undergone audits. We provide the usage of a secure server whenever you modify or access the information associated with your account.


Trendycolors reserves the right to add or remove clauses from the Privacy Policy at any time, and Trendycolors or ADVON SERVER is not lLiable for informing users of those changes.


All users can decline to receive non-essential (promotional, marketing-related) communications from us on behalf of our partners and from us generally after creating an account at Trendycolors. Please click the unsubscribe link in that news email to choose not to receive our communications.


You consent to using your data in the ways specified in this Privacy Policy by providing data to our agent or us or by using the Site.


Please contact us at the following address if you have any questions, concerns, or complaints about this Privacy Statement or our practices.


Phone : +91 9686037367
Email :


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